Co-directors Shôjirô Nishimi and Guillaume Renard's animated science fiction feature film unfolds in Dead Meat City, a dystopian metropolis inspired by Los Angeles. Angelino (Tay Lee), an average pizza delivery boy, is momentarily distracted by a beautiful stranger and becomes a scooter accident victim. He begins to experience superpowers and unusual hallucinations, which pave the way for a life-changing discovery of his true identity. Augustine Chay, Rovi
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Co-directors Shôjirô Nishimi and Guillaume Renard's animated science fiction feature film unfolds in Dead Meat City, a dystopian metropolis inspired by Los Angeles. Angelino (Tay Lee), an average pizza delivery boy, is momentarily distracted by a beautiful stranger and becomes a scooter accident victim. He begins to experience superpowers and unusual hallucinations, which pave the way for a life-changing discovery of his true identity. Augustine Chay, Rovi
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Danny Trejo, Vince Staples, RZA, Dascha Polanco, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Chiklis. New. 2018 Run time: 94. Buy with confidence-Satisfaction Guaranteed! Delivery Confirmation included for all orders in the US.
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Seller's Description:
Danny Trejo, Vince Staples, RZA, Dascha Polanco, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Chiklis. New. 2018 Run time: 94. Buy with confidence-Satisfaction Guaranteed! Delivery Confirmation included for all orders in the US.