Lo Sguardo Lungimirante Delle Capitali / The Far-Sighted Gaze of Capital Cities: Saggi in Onore Di Francesca Bocchi / Essays in Honour of Francesca Bocchi
Lo Sguardo Lungimirante Delle Capitali / The Far-Sighted Gaze of Capital Cities: Saggi in Onore Di Francesca Bocchi / Essays in Honour of Francesca Bocchi
English summary: This volume renders homage to Francesca Bocchi, historian not only of medieval cities, but also of the cities preceding and following that epoch. The chronological boundaries given to The far-sighted gaze of capital cities is consequently deliberately broad, and itself speaks to the expansive geographical space. The concept of a capital city is not narrowly limited to national, regional, or state capitals, but includes cities at the head of smaller territorial environs upon which they have developed a ...
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English summary: This volume renders homage to Francesca Bocchi, historian not only of medieval cities, but also of the cities preceding and following that epoch. The chronological boundaries given to The far-sighted gaze of capital cities is consequently deliberately broad, and itself speaks to the expansive geographical space. The concept of a capital city is not narrowly limited to national, regional, or state capitals, but includes cities at the head of smaller territorial environs upon which they have developed a dominating role. German description: Questo volume rende omaggio a Francesca Bocchi, storica delle citta medievali, ma con aperture alle eta precedenti e successive. Il taglio cronologico dato a Lo sguardo lungimirante delle capitali e quindi ampio, come lo spazio geografico che abbraccia. Non si tratta in senso stretto delle capitali di stati nazionali o regionali, ma anche di citta a capo di circoscrizioni territoriali piu piccole, su cui esse hanno svolto un ruolo dominante.
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