The story revolves around a soldier, Jack Homestead, and a world of fantasy and lies that spiral out of control, far beyond what anyone could possibly imagine. He becomes entangled in government intrigue that takes over his life, from his tour of duty in Vietnam to the cafA(c)s of Tokyo and even to the U.S. capital. The story begins in Vietnam, during a firefight. Jack Homestead is wounded, and while in a medical facility, he inquires about his two squad buddies who were also caught in the firefight. He finds out that they ...
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The story revolves around a soldier, Jack Homestead, and a world of fantasy and lies that spiral out of control, far beyond what anyone could possibly imagine. He becomes entangled in government intrigue that takes over his life, from his tour of duty in Vietnam to the cafA(c)s of Tokyo and even to the U.S. capital. The story begins in Vietnam, during a firefight. Jack Homestead is wounded, and while in a medical facility, he inquires about his two squad buddies who were also caught in the firefight. He finds out that they never existed. Jack finds a twisted tale of how the two men, while working for a secret government covert organization, invent a game to overcome their boredom. The game gets out of hand and becomes real to the Pentagon. The story tells how Jack tries to disassociate himself but is pulled back into the scandal.
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