An emotional tale!
Lily�s Choice by Mary Ellis tells the story of Lily Wickham who wishes for a better life for herself and her family. Lily worked hard to learn the skills necessary to quit working in a factory and obtain an office job. Unfortunately, Jack, Lily�s husband, does not understand her and Lily�s eldest daughter, Beverley, seems to go out of her way to antagonize her mother. I found the story to be easy to read with leisurely pacing. The point-of-view alternates between the various characters which leads to repetitive details. It does, though, allow you to understand them and see the situation from their point of view. I thought the author captured the time period and attitudes. Lily�s Choice is an emotional story (it ran the gamut from joy to anger to sorrow), but I did find it to be a smidgen predictable. The story is a tad long (470 pages). I appreciated the author�s note at the end which explains that Lily�s Choice is a fictionalized account of a true story. Lily�s Choice is a poignant tale with a solicitous husband, a testy teenager, a striking boss, a hard to resist attraction, a difficult decision, and a shocking outcome.