This is the fourth and final installment of the Pharian Chronicles.Six years after the fall of Killian and the unification of humans and pharies, Queen Brianna has completed her own private conquest. After thorough examinations of all the documents in the secret office Brianna has put together a book of Mary Catherine's childhood and the mystery to their existence.Join Brianna as she reads Mary Catherine's troubling story to her very first audience. Be the first to witness the cruelty of Mary's parents, the innocence of a ...
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This is the fourth and final installment of the Pharian Chronicles.Six years after the fall of Killian and the unification of humans and pharies, Queen Brianna has completed her own private conquest. After thorough examinations of all the documents in the secret office Brianna has put together a book of Mary Catherine's childhood and the mystery to their existence.Join Brianna as she reads Mary Catherine's troubling story to her very first audience. Be the first to witness the cruelty of Mary's parents, the innocence of a boy, the love of a stranger, trials and errors, and most important of all what it's like to live the life of the damned.
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