In this cinematic sensation, LEGION'S RIDDLE explores an energy disruption in the multiverse. Guided by the solitary code of an alien race, Earth's Interstellar Forces joins the Emperor Legion on a routine rescue mission. Under attack by a mysterious enemy, the Starship Eagle travels through the Wormhole of the Amedans. Their mission: open a gateway to a dying Galaxy. Will the rescue team escape nature's most brutal enemy? Can they save the remnant of a lost civilization? War is coming, and Time is running out . . .
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In this cinematic sensation, LEGION'S RIDDLE explores an energy disruption in the multiverse. Guided by the solitary code of an alien race, Earth's Interstellar Forces joins the Emperor Legion on a routine rescue mission. Under attack by a mysterious enemy, the Starship Eagle travels through the Wormhole of the Amedans. Their mission: open a gateway to a dying Galaxy. Will the rescue team escape nature's most brutal enemy? Can they save the remnant of a lost civilization? War is coming, and Time is running out . . .
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