Study smarter, not harder! No need to waste precious time creating your own notes! We've done that for you! Enclosed, you will find a raw outline meant to save you time while enhancing your understanding of Criminal Law. This raw outline covers the basic concepts and doctrines of criminal law in the United States, with specifics on general principles that have been adopted in our criminal justice system, the elements common to every crime, and the defenses to crimes a defendant can assert to obtain an acquittal or reduction ...
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Study smarter, not harder! No need to waste precious time creating your own notes! We've done that for you! Enclosed, you will find a raw outline meant to save you time while enhancing your understanding of Criminal Law. This raw outline covers the basic concepts and doctrines of criminal law in the United States, with specifics on general principles that have been adopted in our criminal justice system, the elements common to every crime, and the defenses to crimes a defendant can assert to obtain an acquittal or reduction of the charges. This is a great study tool and resource as it covers the black letter law and case law for your exam in a concise fashion to help save you time and maximize your grade on your final exam. Best of luck in your coursework and legal careers! Now go out there and book your Criminal Law class!
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