English summary: This book contains twenty-eight linguistic studies written in honor of the work of Ariel Shisha-Halevy. The first part of this text is devoted to the analysis of many linguistic aspects of the Egyptian language, particularly Coptic, including grammatical constructions, dialects, lexicography of a wide array of texts. The rest of studies in this book then provide linguistic analyses of similar topics in the Arabic, Irish, and Welsh languages. French description: Ce recueil de vingt-huit etudes offertes ...
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English summary: This book contains twenty-eight linguistic studies written in honor of the work of Ariel Shisha-Halevy. The first part of this text is devoted to the analysis of many linguistic aspects of the Egyptian language, particularly Coptic, including grammatical constructions, dialects, lexicography of a wide array of texts. The rest of studies in this book then provide linguistic analyses of similar topics in the Arabic, Irish, and Welsh languages. French description: Ce recueil de vingt-huit etudes offertes a Ariel Shisha-Halevy par ses collegues et amis est representatif des nombreux domaines ou ce grand linguiste s'est illustre durant sa carriere a l'Universite hebraique de Jerusalem. Part belle est faite a l'egyptien, dans toutes ses phases, et notamment au copte, dont le dedicataire se plait a dire que nous n'en connaissons encore que l'ecriture. On trouve ainsi dans la premiere partie, Orient, des articles analysant toutes sortes d'aspects linguistiques de cette langue - constructions grammaticales, dialectes, lexicographie - et concernant divers types de textes, litteraires et documentaires, ainsi que deux etudes consacrees a l'arabe. L'irlandais et le gallois, autres domaines de predilection d'A. Shisha-Halevy, sont representes par quatre articles illustrant l'Occident, tandis qu'une partie Varia clot l'ensemble.
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