Track Listing
- Nunc iam cessit Pontus et omnis partitur leges / Vienient annis sæcula (from Act 2 of Seneca's "Medea")
- Amazigh Lullaby ("I met my big brother")
- Palestina hermoza y santa
- Triste estava muy quexosa
- Si la noche haze escura, villancico
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- Nunc iam cessit Pontus et omnis partitur leges / Vienient annis sæcula (from Act 2 of Seneca's "Medea")
- Amazigh Lullaby ("I met my big brother")
- Palestina hermoza y santa
- Triste estava muy quexosa
- Si la noche haze escura, villancico
- Isabel, perdiste la tu faxa, for voice & vihuela
- Anchor che col partire, madrigal
- Como retumban los remos
- Salve regina, antiphon for 8 voices & organ:
- Lamento Della Ninfa, madrigal in 3 sections for 1-4 voices (from Book 8), SV 163: Amor
- Con le luci d'un bel ciglio
- Hor ch'è tempo di dormire, for voice & ensemble
- Ay que me rio de amor
- Sosieguen, descansen
- Dors mon enfant
- Ti ricordi che giurasti
- Las mujeres y cuerdas (Women and guitar strings), seguidilla for voice & guitar
- With the Doll (S kukloy), song for voice & piano (The Nursery No. 4)
- Rozhdestvenskaya Koybel'naya, berceuse de Noël, for female voices & piano
- Por qué llorax blanca niña
- Sibila Galaica
- A chantar m'er de so qu'en no volria, song
- El Misteri d'Elx, mystery play in 2 parts for the Feast of the Assumption: Planctus: O arbre sanct, digne de honor
- Niña y viña
- Con que la lavare?
- Yo me soy la morenica, cançion
- Ne timeas, Maria (In Annuntiatione Benissimae Mariae), motet for 4 voices
- Aura soave, for voice and continuo
- Si dolce è'l tormento, madrigal for solo voice, SV 332
- Alme luci beate
- Sentirete una canzonetta
- No piense menguilla ya, for voice & guitar (or continuo)
- Trompicávalas amor, for voice & continuo
- El fill del rei, folk song
- Missa pro defunctis: 7. Hei mihi
- Siete canciones populares española (7 Popular Spanish Songs), for voice & piano, G. 40: Nana: Duérmete, niño, duerme
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La Voix de l'Emotion (2012)
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