La acusaci???n is a deeply moving and eye-opening work of fiction that paints a powerful portrait of life under the North Korean regime. Set during the period of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's leadership, the seven stories that make up this book give voice to people living under this most bizarre and horrifying of dictatorships. The characters of these compelling stories come from a wide variety of backgrounds, from a young mother living among the elite in Pyongyang whose son misbehaves during a political rally, to a former ...
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La acusaci???n is a deeply moving and eye-opening work of fiction that paints a powerful portrait of life under the North Korean regime. Set during the period of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's leadership, the seven stories that make up this book give voice to people living under this most bizarre and horrifying of dictatorships. The characters of these compelling stories come from a wide variety of backgrounds, from a young mother living among the elite in Pyongyang whose son misbehaves during a political rally, to a former Communist war hero who is deeply disillusioned with the intrusion of the Party into everything he holds dear, to a husband and father who is denied a travel permit and sneaks onto a train in order to visit his critically ill mother. Written with deep emotion and writing talent, La acusaci???n is a vivid depiction of life in a closed-off one-party state, and also a hopeful testament to the humanity and rich internal life that persists even in such inhumane conditions. En el a???o 2013 un escritor norcoreano -que se oculta bajo el seud???nimo de Bandi y del que poco se sabe- consigui??? sacar fuera de su pa???s un manuscrito que conten???a unos cuentos que hab???a escondido durante a???os. Poco despu???s se publicar???a en Se???l un libro con esos relatos, La acusaci???n, un contundente retrato de la vida cotidiana en Corea del Norte. En ellos, un h???roe de guerra y ferviente comunista planta un olmo en el jard???n de su hogar para conmemorar el triunfo de la revoluci???n. Un ni???o en Pyongyang llora ante el retrato de Karl Marx, creyendo que es Obi, un monstruo de la mitolog???a coreana. Una esposa intenta alimentar a su marido durante los a???os m???s duros de la hambruna de finales de los ochenta. Un hombre trata de viajar a su pueblo natal para despedirse de su madre moribunda. Y una mujer en una situaci???n peligrosa se encuentra con el mism???simo Gran L???der. Ambientados en la d???cada de 1990, bajo los gobiernos de Kim Il-sung y Kim Jong-il, los siete relatos de La acusaci???n arrojan un poco de luz sobre lo terrible y absurdo que es vivir bajo una de las dictaduras m???s herm???ticas de todos los tiempos.
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