English summary: According to the Pentagon, 26,000 soldiers were sexually assaulted by their comrades in 2012, and only 376 of the cases that went to trial resulted in convictions. Francois Pesant and Alexandra Geneste travelled across the United States to meet the victims, both men and women, of this epidemic affecting the U.S. military. The authors paint an intimate and honest portrait of the suffering and betrayal inflicted by the institution these servicemembers chose to serve, and by their country, they promised to ...
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English summary: According to the Pentagon, 26,000 soldiers were sexually assaulted by their comrades in 2012, and only 376 of the cases that went to trial resulted in convictions. Francois Pesant and Alexandra Geneste travelled across the United States to meet the victims, both men and women, of this epidemic affecting the U.S. military. The authors paint an intimate and honest portrait of the suffering and betrayal inflicted by the institution these servicemembers chose to serve, and by their country, they promised to defend. Rape leaves deep scars, often leading to post-traumatic stress, depression, suicide. Few dare to talk openly about it. The goal of this book is to make their battle known and their voices heard. French description: Une etude du Pentagone revele que sur 26 000 cas de violences sexuelles perpetuees au sein de l'armee americaine en 2012, seuls 376 de ceux portes devant les tribunaux ont mene a des inculpations. Francois Pesant et Alexandra Geneste ont parcouru les Etats-Unis a la rencontre de ces hommes et de ces femmes victimes de leurs freres d'armes. Ils posent un regard intime et pudique sur les temoignages de leurs souffrances, fruits du deni de justice et de la trahison d'une institution et d'un pays. Si le viol laisse de profondes cicatrices: Stress post-traumatique, depression, suicide, peu osent en parler. Ce livre n'a d'autre but que de narrer leur combat et faire entendre leur voix.
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