Invitation to explore within and between
I had read and been impressed with other works by the author of this book, prose and poetry, so I was interested to find a collection of his earlier poems. It covers quite a range of style and topic and is well presented. I knew from other pieces of his that a strong theme in his work is the dynamic of love in relationships, both between and within individuals, and he believes deeply in its transforming power. He is in a strong position to comment on such topics, as an experienced therapist and healer. The poems cover other themes too and engage in particular with the natural world with gentle and insightful sensitivity. They span a range of spiritual traditions. Some of the poems moved me deeply on first reading; others I have found invite a more sustained engagement of the heart to reveal their depths in a fuller way.
The collection is a good introduction to this author's work. He has written much since this collection, prose and poetry, and comes across as a trustworthy guide along the pathway of spiritual and psychological growth.