Faith or fact
Taking God at His word is one of Kenyons' greatest points.
Anything from the Bible correctly understood in it's appropriate context and application
can be believed and the consequences of that active faith will (because of God's grace to have his Word appropriated by the faith He Himself gives) happen.
However, Kenyon counter-productively asserts that all diseases are of demonic source
and therefore by dismissing the evil spirit who is apparently behind every disease/disorder will result in the disappearance of the problem.
However, it has escaped Kenyon's notice that God Himself sent diseases on the Egyptians not Satan. God Himself made Moses hand Leprous and better, of course. God Himself made Miriam temporarily Leprous as a punishment. God promises diseases as part of the curse punishment on Israel's disobedience(Deuteronomy). God killed Herod with a disease(Acts). God made Corinthian Christians sick and even killed some of them for bad behaviour in public church services. However, sickness is here mainly because sin is here.
God sometimes makes people sick. Satan sometimes makes people sick. But it is God who has sent sickness in a general sense to show sin is being punished and will be punished; to show people that they are sin-sick and need a sin-healer.
God will always heal sickness/disease/disorders and forgive sin and sins according to faith (obtained from Him and ) in Him or His written Word.
Paul said 'by Grace you are saved /healed/kept through Faith which didn't originate from you, it is the gift from God' (Ephesians 2:8).
Jesus said 'According to YOUR faith'(given by God-so ask Him for it till He gives it to you) ' it shall be yours'.(Matthew 9:22), referring to sickness.
Kenyon strongly intimates that sick believers are at least physically possessed. This tends towards the idea that the spirit of Christ who lives in a believer is happy to live with a demon. How can this be? The body is a temple of the spirit. Darkness can't live with light. Be reasonable, please, even Satan does not want to live with God.
I can't recommend this book for general reading. But it can be used for research into 'Divine Healing'.