From his miraculous birth to his death on the cross, this comprehensive and vivid account fully chronicles the life of Jesus Christ and traces the changing interpretations of his roles as teacher and prophet, revolutionary and mystic. Drawing upon the Gospels and other widespread evidence, the narrative places Jesus's life in historical context by exploring the society and politics of his day, examining his largely controversial teachings and beliefs--including his attitudes toward Jewish law and his views of the Hebrew ...
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From his miraculous birth to his death on the cross, this comprehensive and vivid account fully chronicles the life of Jesus Christ and traces the changing interpretations of his roles as teacher and prophet, revolutionary and mystic. Drawing upon the Gospels and other widespread evidence, the narrative places Jesus's life in historical context by exploring the society and politics of his day, examining his largely controversial teachings and beliefs--including his attitudes toward Jewish law and his views of the Hebrew Scriptures--and analyzing the evolving image of Christ in art throughout the centuries. Desde su nacimiento milagroso hasta su muerte en el crucifijo, este relato comprensivo y v???vido relata la vida de Jesucristo y sigue las interpretaciones cambiantes de sus papeles como maestro y profeta, revolucionario y m???stico. Utilizando los evangelios y otra evidencia conocida, este narrativo hist???ricamente explica la vida de Jes???s a traves de explorar la sociedad y las pol???ticas del d???a, examinando sus ensenanzas y creencias controvertidas--incluyendo sus actitudes hasta la ley jud???a y sus opiniones sobre la escritura hebrea--y analizando la imagen desarollada del Cristo en arte a lo largo de los siglos.
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