Jack Galaxy is the story of an imaginative boy who dreams of helping people. The story follows his journey towards finding how he can accomplish his dream. When he's older Jack wants to be just like his favorite made up character Jack Galaxy and help all the people he can, but he doesn't think he can do it. Jack ends up going on an adventure through different worlds and tries to find out how he can help others. The second part of the book follows an older Jack. He's going into his last year of college and doesn't know what ...
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Jack Galaxy is the story of an imaginative boy who dreams of helping people. The story follows his journey towards finding how he can accomplish his dream. When he's older Jack wants to be just like his favorite made up character Jack Galaxy and help all the people he can, but he doesn't think he can do it. Jack ends up going on an adventure through different worlds and tries to find out how he can help others. The second part of the book follows an older Jack. He's going into his last year of college and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life anymore. He struggles with his inner demons and learns about life and himself along the way.
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