In continuation of Rayna's life, she finds herself as a Household slave, in the position of being tortured and beaten daily. In true psoiopathic form, her demonic possession causes her personality to split - then to rob the graves of those that have passed before. With purposes so evil her mind shuts off from those that would further inflict torture, she runs away with the youngest member of the Rosa's familia. Her dramatic split-personality begins to take its toll on her sanity - while across the Country in Phoenix Arizona ...
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In continuation of Rayna's life, she finds herself as a Household slave, in the position of being tortured and beaten daily. In true psoiopathic form, her demonic possession causes her personality to split - then to rob the graves of those that have passed before. With purposes so evil her mind shuts off from those that would further inflict torture, she runs away with the youngest member of the Rosa's familia. Her dramatic split-personality begins to take its toll on her sanity - while across the Country in Phoenix Arizona - The first "Sightings" of genuine UFO's leads to a single entity infestation that concentrates it's evil intent on the entire city, using a single small family as a place to hide out and procreate. With diabolic plans that follow future generations, this Entity sets into motion the decimation of Mankind. Can Rayna recognize the role she has been placed in, well enough to stop the murderous intent of the evil offspring created simply to wipe out all human life? Will she have the control over this monster that lives and breaths - only to sexually generate it's own hybrid population? As man's clock runs down, can the most powerful thrust of evil ever called forth - be brought to bear with Rayna's minuscule powers of telepathy? Or will the "Church of the Butterfly" succeed in draining the blood of every living human in GoG's creation?
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