This was very informative. One should probably read all Massad Ayoob books concerning self defense and concealed carry.
May 17, 2013
Dated, but concepts are still applicable
Probably the 'grand daddy' of CCW texts. Provides a lot of information, while somewhat dated in some cases, that every CCW licenseee/permitee/etc should know.
Dec 29, 2011
I recommend this book highly to anyone who is thinking about purchasing a firearm for personal protection. Boo has been around for years and is probably still one of the best.
Sep 22, 2011
Essential Reading
Ayoob writes to the fundamentals of gun ownership, safety and use. Excellent and clear, Massad identifies the strong function of the firearm. This book is required reading for everyone.
Mar 3, 2011
Fast ship, accurate
Nice fast and accurate shipping and description. Esay to do business with