The unique, visual format of this guide has been specially created by a teacher of development methods. The concise text, use of tables to clarify language features, frequent figures and diagrams, as well as focused code samples, all combine to create a unique approach that will help professionals understand and get to work with C# fast.
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The unique, visual format of this guide has been specially created by a teacher of development methods. The concise text, use of tables to clarify language features, frequent figures and diagrams, as well as focused code samples, all combine to create a unique approach that will help professionals understand and get to work with C# fast.
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This is a first class survey of C#, excellent for the experienced programmer familiar with objects but new to the language. It has never failed to answer any of my questions, and always correctly.
The book does make fairly heavy weather of delegates and events. These are the only weak spots I've come across. The only parts I've yet to grapple with are LINQ and concurrency.