English summary: About half of the 400 administrative districts of Germany are defined as "rural areas" by geographers. That is one of the reasons why ecclesial educational activity is not a side issue. The village as an area of religious education was neglected by many scientists for a longer period of time. However, the demographic development and the challenges in the secular context of Middle Germany are the main reasons, why the attention of social scientists has been redirected towards this topic. The conference ...
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English summary: About half of the 400 administrative districts of Germany are defined as "rural areas" by geographers. That is one of the reasons why ecclesial educational activity is not a side issue. The village as an area of religious education was neglected by many scientists for a longer period of time. However, the demographic development and the challenges in the secular context of Middle Germany are the main reasons, why the attention of social scientists has been redirected towards this topic. The conference proceeding discusses the importance of religious education in outskirts and addresses the rural area as an "area of religious learning". Researchers of diverse scientific disciplines analyze religious educational activities in rural areas. German description: Die Halfte der rund 400 Landkreise in Deutschland wird von Geographen als landlicher Raum definiert. Schon deshalb ist kirchliche Bildungsarbeit auf dem Land kein Nischenthema. Nicht zu jeder Zeit ist das Dorf als Ort religiosen Lernens Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Aufmerksamkeit gewesen. Doch seit einiger Zeit lenken vor allem die demographische Entwicklung und die Herausforderungen im sakularen Kontext Mitteldeutschlands die Blicke auf sich. Der Tagungsband erhellt die Bedeutung religioser Bildung in der Peripherie und widmet sich dem landlichen Raum als Lernort des Glaubens. Forscher unterschiedlicher Wissenschaftsdisziplinen analysieren anschauliche Konkretionen religioser Bildungsarbeit auf dem Land. Mit Beitragen von Karl Martin Born, Michael Domsgen, Christoph Hackbeil, Gerald Kretzschmar, Frank M. Lutze, Kerstin Menzel, Jurgen Schilling, Thomas Schlegel, Tobias Schufer, Ekkehard Steinhauser und Steffen Weusten.
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