First published in 2008. This unique work, the personal story of a Japanese soldier in the Russo-Japanese War, holds a fascination that goes far beyond the historical insights it offers. The author paints a moving picture of the lives and deaths, joys and sorrows of the men who took Port Arthur in the bloodiest battle of this short war. The tale is told vividly and simply and is a rare revelation of the thoughts and experiences of a Japanese soldier of remarkable intelligence.
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First published in 2008. This unique work, the personal story of a Japanese soldier in the Russo-Japanese War, holds a fascination that goes far beyond the historical insights it offers. The author paints a moving picture of the lives and deaths, joys and sorrows of the men who took Port Arthur in the bloodiest battle of this short war. The tale is told vividly and simply and is a rare revelation of the thoughts and experiences of a Japanese soldier of remarkable intelligence.
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