Version 9.0 adds (9) professional papers submitted to the APS Physics Review D as regular papers explaining how dark matter, dark energy, gravity, the LIGOS experimental results, and explaining General Relativity and Special Relativity at the sub-Planck size scale. It adds an introductory argument for why wave packet theory and GR is only an approximation to baryogenesis and formation of other particles of the standard model. A better sub-Planck scale theory is the (CAE) theory presented to describe a particle-based gravity ...
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Version 9.0 adds (9) professional papers submitted to the APS Physics Review D as regular papers explaining how dark matter, dark energy, gravity, the LIGOS experimental results, and explaining General Relativity and Special Relativity at the sub-Planck size scale. It adds an introductory argument for why wave packet theory and GR is only an approximation to baryogenesis and formation of other particles of the standard model. A better sub-Planck scale theory is the (CAE) theory presented to describe a particle-based gravity theory currently ignored and unexplored by mainstream gravity wave physicists and black hole physicists unwilling to abandon GR for a version more accurately modeling quantum particle behaviors in empty space. Version 8.0 updates concepts of composite picture images of interference patterns and corrects some syntax errors. It adds discussion of "reality" and "locality" loopholes in Bell's inequality theorems and points out the problem is a problem of "simultaneous realism" with the human reference frame definition of "simultaneous", rather than a particle reference frame definition of "simultaneous" in a local-space only collision. All physics is local while remote observations can create "illusions" and "distortions" of this local space particle collision reality. Version 7.0 corrects a mistake in describing curved motion of free space photons as the magnetic field. What is curved is the field lines. Motion of the photons between electrons is direct between photon emission and absorption paths. The collision interactions cause the electrons and thus the molecules to arrange in curved paths (field lines) described by Gauss's Law and Quantum Field theory derivations. Includes a Planck scale derivation for Gauss's Law. There is very little difference between version 7.0 and version 6.0. Version 6.0 changes to a smaller formatted book and adds discussion about dark energy, dark matter cosmology implications for fundamental physics particle searches (neutralinos, axions, wimpzillas, etc.). Version 5.0 reduces redundancy and shortens the book for greater clarity and reduced price. Version 4.0 explains the meaning of "instantaneous" and "simultaneous" events and why the collapse of a wave packet or human scale measurements are never "instantaneous". Redefines Newton/Leibniz differential and integral mathematics to quantized, discreet, discontinuous mathematics having finite limits rather than approach zeroes and infinities. Contains explanations for why "reality" was debated between Neils Bohr and Einstein with detailed explanations for why quantum wave-duality is not a realistic description of nature at the Planck size scale and below. Includes glossary terms for matrix mechanics mathematics of Heisenberg and explanation of why quantum scale collisions commute when space is scaled to local events, [P][Q]-[Q][P] >h/2pi is a global frame "illusion", when changing frames of reference and considering speed of light, opposite energy and forces commute at the Planck scale particle's local frame only [P][Q]-[-Q][P] = 0. Version 3.0 acknowledges credit to gravity collision theory discoveries of Fatio and LaSage. Version 2.0 makes additional syntax changes and clarifies specific concepts in more detail than version 1.0 Alternative Interpretation of E=hv, electron-photon capture, existence threshold and interaction principles which do not violate any current experimental evidence. Attempts to explain existence theorem, energy-mass interaction, gravity concept and what happens to a photon after absorption and before radiation. Version 1.0 is now an original work limited edition distribution copy of "Alternative Physics" as distribution channels for version 1.0 are soon disabled. Those lucky few individuals who have a copy of version 1.0 now possess a rare and limited "original work" first published on Oct 17, 2012 which the author is willing to sign and stamp at some future book signing opportunity.
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