His Share of The Universe is a true story about an Ethiopian family, its roots, changing aspirations, and struggles and successes during the span of four generations. The story begins with a young Wolde Maryam, who at the insistence of his relatively prosperous father, Estifanos, reluctantly leaves his family and joins the then King Menelik's service. This break away from farming and rural life marks a turning point for generations of Estifanos's descendants. The life and career of one of the farmer's grandchildren, Dehne ...
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His Share of The Universe is a true story about an Ethiopian family, its roots, changing aspirations, and struggles and successes during the span of four generations. The story begins with a young Wolde Maryam, who at the insistence of his relatively prosperous father, Estifanos, reluctantly leaves his family and joins the then King Menelik's service. This break away from farming and rural life marks a turning point for generations of Estifanos's descendants. The life and career of one of the farmer's grandchildren, Dehne Wolde Maryam, highlights the realization of dreams beyond the wildest expectations of the farmer. The book depicts the high points, as well as the plights and struggles overcome by the family members whose descendants ended up as citizens and players in the wider world. The book presents the impact on the family of the main events of the imperial period, the brutal occupation of Ethiopia, and the incarceration of Dehne Wolde Maryam in the Italian prison in Asinara . The specific anectodes and family situations cited throughout the book sustain interest and are informative. The story exemplifies the experiences of hundreds of other Ethiopian families albeit with variations.
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