Pizzitola tells the hidden story of William Randolph Hearst's influence on film censorship, film publicity, the growth of the "talkies, " and the studio system. Featuring new insights into Hearst's relationships with Marion Davies, Will Hays, Louis B. Mayer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mussolini, and Hitler, the book is a tour de force of biography, cultural study, and film history that reveals as never before the brilliance and darkness of Hearst's prophetic connection with Hollywood. 16 photos.
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Pizzitola tells the hidden story of William Randolph Hearst's influence on film censorship, film publicity, the growth of the "talkies, " and the studio system. Featuring new insights into Hearst's relationships with Marion Davies, Will Hays, Louis B. Mayer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mussolini, and Hitler, the book is a tour de force of biography, cultural study, and film history that reveals as never before the brilliance and darkness of Hearst's prophetic connection with Hollywood. 16 photos.
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