The Earth has become unsustainable, and humanity struggles to find a new home in the stars. Suddenly, an object appears in the sky that becomes a door to another habitable planet and sparks the creation of mankind's first extraterrestrial colony. Humanity's cries for help had been answered, or were they? Layla Van Der Sol is the CO of the military group, trying desperately to hold the entire colony together. When she succumbs to a strange illness, a violent and hostile man takes over. His motivations are shrouded in ...
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The Earth has become unsustainable, and humanity struggles to find a new home in the stars. Suddenly, an object appears in the sky that becomes a door to another habitable planet and sparks the creation of mankind's first extraterrestrial colony. Humanity's cries for help had been answered, or were they? Layla Van Der Sol is the CO of the military group, trying desperately to hold the entire colony together. When she succumbs to a strange illness, a violent and hostile man takes over. His motivations are shrouded in mystery and could doom them all if he isn't stopped. Song Ahluwalia is an extraordinary boy, but he doesn't know just how important he is yet. He suddenly finds himself trapped in the colony for years along with his three best friends, after the doorway's sudden and unexpected collapse. When turmoil in the colony erupts, he and his other teenage friends are out on a normal assignment that turns out to be anything but. Layla Van der Sol has helped everyone survive up to this point, and now needs help herself. The colony has to fight back against a maniac seemingly bent on destruction. Song and his friends must traverse uncharted territory, unravel a mystery and discover something no one ever expected, before it's too late.
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