In the third installment of the Eugene Series, Henry is persuaded by his school lunchroom buddies to run for eighth-grade class president when budget cuts and polices set forth by the board of education affect the entire student body. Butchie, the janitor, has misgivings with Henry's political ambitions. He knows the parents of Henry's opponent and they are a power couple who will stop at nothing to ensure their daughter's victory. Henry and his brother Eugene can count on Butchie to help with the campaign, even when his ...
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In the third installment of the Eugene Series, Henry is persuaded by his school lunchroom buddies to run for eighth-grade class president when budget cuts and polices set forth by the board of education affect the entire student body. Butchie, the janitor, has misgivings with Henry's political ambitions. He knows the parents of Henry's opponent and they are a power couple who will stop at nothing to ensure their daughter's victory. Henry and his brother Eugene can count on Butchie to help with the campaign, even when his love life with Gail Paisley is causing distractions. About the Author: Michael Heath is a literary development agent for a New York City publisher. He is the father of three children and lives on the Jersey Shore with his son Justin.
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