When Grendel is drawn up from the caves under the mere, where he lives with his bloated, inarticulate hag of a mother, into the fresh night air, it is to lay waste Hrothgar's meadhall and heap destruction on the humans he finds there. What else can he do? For he is not like the men who busy themselves with God and love and beauty. He sees the infuriating human rage for order and recognises the meaninglessness of his own existence. GRENDEL is John Gardner's masterpiece; it vividly reinvents the world of Beowulf. In Grendel ...
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When Grendel is drawn up from the caves under the mere, where he lives with his bloated, inarticulate hag of a mother, into the fresh night air, it is to lay waste Hrothgar's meadhall and heap destruction on the humans he finds there. What else can he do? For he is not like the men who busy themselves with God and love and beauty. He sees the infuriating human rage for order and recognises the meaninglessness of his own existence. GRENDEL is John Gardner's masterpiece; it vividly reinvents the world of Beowulf. In Grendel himself, a creature of grotesque comedy, pain and disillusioned intelligence, Gardner has created the most unforgettable monster in fantasy.
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Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $13.36, fair condition, Sold by Anybook rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Lincoln, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1985 by Vintage Books.
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This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside. This book has soft covers. In fair condition, suitable as a study copy. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item, 150grams, ISBN: 0394740564.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $13.36, good condition, Sold by Anybook rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Lincoln, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1972 by Andre Deutsch.
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Seller's Description:
This is an ex-library book and may have the usual library/used-book markings inside. This book has hardback covers. In good all round condition. Dust jacket in good condition. Please note the Image in this listing is a stock photo and may not match the covers of the actual item, 400grams, ISBN: 0233963421.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $543.55, like new condition, Sold by Rooke Books rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from BATH, SOMERSET, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1972 by Andre Deutsch.
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Seller's Description:
None. Fine in Near Fine jacket. The first edition of this retelling of the old English poem Beowulf, in the original dustwrapper. The first UK edition of the work. First published in the US in 1971. In the original price clipped dustwrapper. Grendel, by American author John Gardner, is a retelling of the Old English poem Beowulf, this time written from the perspective of the antagonist Grendel who is portrayed as the antihero character. The work encompasses a number of powerful themes, including the power of literature and the nature of good and evil. The first edition of this powerful work of fiction from renowned American author John Gardner. In the original orange cloth binding in the original price clipped dustwrapper. Externally in lovely condition. Dustwrapper is price clipped. Dustwrapper is in excellent condition with minor shelf wear only. Internally firmly bound. Pages bright and clean with marginal age toning. Fine.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $5.93, good condition, Sold by Brit Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milton Keynes, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1989 by Vintage Books USA.
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Good. Simply Brit – welcome to our online used book store, where affordability meets great quality. Dive into a world of captivating reads without breaking the bank. We take pride in offering a wide selection of used books, from classics to hidden gems, ensuring there's something for every literary palate. All orders are shipped within 24 hours and our lightning fast-delivery within 48 hours coupled with our prompt customer service ensures a smooth journey from ordering to delivery. Discover the joy of reading with us, your trusted source for affordable books that do not compromise on quality.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $6.28, very good condition, Sold by Halcyon Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from LONDON, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1991 by Robin Clark Ltd.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $7.45, very good condition, Sold by Greener Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from London, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1989 by Vintage Books USA.
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Seller's Description:
Very good. **SHIPPED FROM UK** We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! Greener Books.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $8.39, good condition, Sold by GreatBookPricesUK5 rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Castle Donington, DERBYSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1989 by Vintage.
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Seller's Description:
Good. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 192 p. May show signs of wear, highlighting, writing, and previous use. This item may be a former library book with typical markings. No guarantee on products that contain supplements Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Twenty-five year bookseller with shipments to over fifty million happy customers.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $9.43, like new condition, Sold by GreatBookPricesUK5 rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Castle Donington, DERBYSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1989 by Vintage.
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Seller's Description:
Fine. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 192 p. In Stock. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Brand New, Perfect Condition, allow 4-14 business days for standard shipping. To Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. protectorate, P.O. box, and APO/FPO addresses allow 4-28 business days for Standard shipping. No expedited shipping. All orders placed with expedited shipping will be cancelled. Over 3, 000, 000 happy customers.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $11.97, like new condition, Sold by GreatBookPricesUK5 rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Castle Donington, DERBYSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 2015 by Gollancz.
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Seller's Description:
Fine. B-format paperback. Fantasy Masterworks . In Stock. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Brand New, Perfect Condition, allow 4-14 business days for standard shipping. To Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. protectorate, P.O. box, and APO/FPO addresses allow 4-28 business days for Standard shipping. No expedited shipping. All orders placed with expedited shipping will be cancelled. Over 3, 000, 000 happy customers.
Add this copy of Grendel to cart. $32.59, good condition, Sold by GreatBookPricesUK5 rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Castle Donington, DERBYSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1989 by Turtleback Books.
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Seller's Description:
Good. Library binding. Cloth over boards. 192 p. Contains: Illustrations. Intended for a young adult/teenage audience. May show signs of wear, highlighting, writing, and previous use. This item may be a former library book with typical markings. No guarantee on products that contain supplements Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Twenty-five year bookseller with shipments to over fifty million happy customers.
synopsis was a little different than story,but it was a great story,should be in young adults
Jan 1, 2011
A nice angle to a well known loved story. A bit depressing but then melancholy never really hurt a literature nut.
Dec 27, 2007
Great version
My 20 year old son lost this book in a move and was genuinely upset. He says it is excellent and prefers it's tale to the original version...I plan on reading it after refreshing my memory of Beowulf.
Oct 28, 2007
Excellent Book!
Once you read the English poem, Beowulf, and know the basic story line, this book is amazing. Of course, it depends on whether or not you like to analyze books. It's definitely a fun read without analyzation, but chapter five will most certainly fly over your head if you don't understand existentialism and nihilism. It's a great book for AP English Literature students (or anyone looking for a fun parody).