Short Summary: Eccentric aristocrat, Constance Haltwhistle, has been blackmailed into stealing alien artifacts from the crown heads of Europe. Only the shady but annoyingly handsome US spy, "Liberty" Trusdale, can help her execute her perfect palace heists. As monstrous creatures plot to invade Earth, will Constance and Trusdale stop bickering long enough to prevent the war of the worlds?
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Short Summary: Eccentric aristocrat, Constance Haltwhistle, has been blackmailed into stealing alien artifacts from the crown heads of Europe. Only the shady but annoyingly handsome US spy, "Liberty" Trusdale, can help her execute her perfect palace heists. As monstrous creatures plot to invade Earth, will Constance and Trusdale stop bickering long enough to prevent the war of the worlds?
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