"Set in Kentucky, this compelling drama centers around a Japanese-American family reunited as their matriarch undergoes cancer treatment. The father, James, is a recovering alcoholic seeking redemption, and the two daughters are struggling to overcome their differences -- Sophie is an ardent born-again Christian, while Hiro lives a single's life in New York City. John, an old high school classmate of Hiro's who is now a single dad, worries about leaving a legacy for his son. Wry and bittersweet, God Said This vividly ...
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"Set in Kentucky, this compelling drama centers around a Japanese-American family reunited as their matriarch undergoes cancer treatment. The father, James, is a recovering alcoholic seeking redemption, and the two daughters are struggling to overcome their differences -- Sophie is an ardent born-again Christian, while Hiro lives a single's life in New York City. John, an old high school classmate of Hiro's who is now a single dad, worries about leaving a legacy for his son. Wry and bittersweet, God Said This vividly captures the complexities of a familial reconciliation in the throes of crisis and looks deeply at the meaning of family -- Japanese, Southern, and otherwise."--Page 4 of cover.
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