If you are diagnosed with Celiac [Coeliac] Disease or simply gluten sensitive, you will not want to go without this crucial guide, and definitely never do any grocery shopping without this guide. The most comprehensive and accurate safe/unsafe list to date, this guide is the ultimate tool in managing a gluten free diet. The author, also a Celiac, Certified Nutritionist, and Natural Health Consultant, has researched exhaustively every safe and unsafe ingredient found in food and delivered that comprehensive list to you, even ...
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If you are diagnosed with Celiac [Coeliac] Disease or simply gluten sensitive, you will not want to go without this crucial guide, and definitely never do any grocery shopping without this guide. The most comprehensive and accurate safe/unsafe list to date, this guide is the ultimate tool in managing a gluten free diet. The author, also a Celiac, Certified Nutritionist, and Natural Health Consultant, has researched exhaustively every safe and unsafe ingredient found in food and delivered that comprehensive list to you, even pointing out where other lists, including the one's provided by major Celiac associations, go wrong which can cause you to stay sick forever. Note: this is not a grocery guide, as those can be outdated before even printed because manufacturers change ingredients often and without warning. This guide indicates actual ingredients you will check on labels - which is the only way to manage a gluten free diet safely. The A to Z list makes it incredibly easy to scroll through so that you can check labels anywhere, even when traveling. (compacted version of the same author's book titled "Celiac Disease: Safe/Unsafe Food List and Essential Information on Living with a Gluten Free Diet." All essential information is the same, only the section with inspirational ideas on how to handle certain social aspects and enjoy a gluten free lifestyle has been omitted to create an extra compact version. Perfect for your 2nd copy)
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