Book Review: Germ, by Robert Liparulo
"If you breathe, it will find you?.
Robert Liparulo?s sophomore novel ?Germ? grabs your attention from Chapter One. The non-stop action begins by a statement of facts regarding Dr. Robert Guthrie, a microbiologist, and his development of the Guthrie Test, a medical test performed on newborn infants to detect an inborn error of amino acid metabolism.
Deduction is made of how such technology, in association with gene splicing and in the wrong hands, could selectively target and attack a particular DNA gene in the general population rending a person dead in a matter of days.
Details of the end result of such a virus on humans are graphically described. This is not a novel for the weak at heart. It is intense in its plot, in its characters, and almost non-stop action scenes.
That being said and for those who enjoy an action packed Thriller, this novel of DNA-specific biochemical warfare will take your breathe and not release it until you finish the last page.
Good and evil are presented with equal clarity.
FBI Agents Goodwin Donelley and Julia Matheson, the protagonist, are depicted genuinely, with a sincere, deep friendship.
Dr. Allen Parker and his brother Stephen Parker (almost Doctor turned Pastor) are unsuspecting participants but add much to the story.
Karl Litt, the antagonist, the son of a Nazi researcher, is diabolical and utterly without remorse.
With unexpected twists and turns and several complex story lines, true to the genre, this work kept me in ?suspense? wondering how all elements would merge to a conclusion. I was not disappointed as the story line ended.
This novel will surprise you as you become acquainted with characters only to learn they do not survive. Not all suspense novels can make such a claim. Unanticipated ends to major characters adds greatly to the development of those characters that remain as well as the plot.
Germ is a Christian Fiction novel. It is entertainment and does not resort to profanity or vulgarity. Great novels rarely do. It takes much more creativity to produce a work that captures the reader with the plot, the characters, and interaction alone.
I recommend this book highly and look forward to more of Robert Liparulo?s work.
Keiki Hendrix
Vessel Project Book Reviewer