The ancient Chinese fantasy anime epic continues as Miaka and her Suzaku Seven race to find the magical Shinzaho before Yui and her Seriyu Seven. The first to claim the talisman will have their wishes granted by the gods! The third of four in a series, this authorized Ultimate Fan Guide features detailed episode summaries, character profiles, setting exploration and theme analysis. Includes comprehensive character sheets for the popular Big Eyes, Small Mouth anime RPG as well. Covers episodes 27-39.
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The ancient Chinese fantasy anime epic continues as Miaka and her Suzaku Seven race to find the magical Shinzaho before Yui and her Seriyu Seven. The first to claim the talisman will have their wishes granted by the gods! The third of four in a series, this authorized Ultimate Fan Guide features detailed episode summaries, character profiles, setting exploration and theme analysis. Includes comprehensive character sheets for the popular Big Eyes, Small Mouth anime RPG as well. Covers episodes 27-39.
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