Historical and literary scholars have become increasingly interested in women's roles in and approaches to war. In times of conflict, French and francophone women have made crucial contributions in aid of the patrie , but wars have also set women against the governing powers, frequently forcing them to choose between their concerns as women, and the economic and social demands of their belligerent nations. This volume, the proceedings of the 9th UK Women in French conference entitled 'Les femmes et la guerre', brings ...
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Historical and literary scholars have become increasingly interested in women's roles in and approaches to war. In times of conflict, French and francophone women have made crucial contributions in aid of the patrie , but wars have also set women against the governing powers, frequently forcing them to choose between their concerns as women, and the economic and social demands of their belligerent nations. This volume, the proceedings of the 9th UK Women in French conference entitled 'Les femmes et la guerre', brings together scholars from different academic disciplines - history, sociology, politics, literary criticism and gender studies - who explore the impact of war upon women in French and francophone societies. Les critiques litt???raires et les historiens s'int???ressent de plus en plus aux r???les des femmes pendant les p???riodes de guerre. Les femmes fran???aises et francophones ont, par leurs actions cruciales, aid??? la patrie en temps de guerre; cependant, les conflits ont ???galement oppos??? les femmes ??? leur gouvernement, en les obligeant souvent ??? choisir entre leurs int???r???ts en tant que femmes et les exigences ???conomiques et sociales de leur pays bellig???rant. Ce volume, reproduisant les actes du 9e colloque britannique organis??? par ??? Women in French ???, intitul??? ??? Les femmes et la guerre ???, rassemble des sp???cialistes de diverses disciplines - histoire, sociologie, sciences politiques, critique litt???raire et ???tudes de genre - pour analyser les effets de la guerre sur les femmes en France et dans les pays francophones.
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