'Pride and Prejudice' meets 'A Christmas Carol' A Jane Austen/Charles Dickens crossover story, Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy takes the best of both classics and spins them into a delightful holiday yarn! F. E. Darcy has fallen into pitiful self-loathing and sorrowful angst-ridden despair; all of this due to this belief that he has lost forever the chance to marry the only woman he will ever love, Elizabeth Bennet. Seeing her son in such a state, the Ghost of Anne Darcy reaches out to him; informing him that three Ghosts would ...
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'Pride and Prejudice' meets 'A Christmas Carol' A Jane Austen/Charles Dickens crossover story, Fitzwilliam Ebenezer Darcy takes the best of both classics and spins them into a delightful holiday yarn! F. E. Darcy has fallen into pitiful self-loathing and sorrowful angst-ridden despair; all of this due to this belief that he has lost forever the chance to marry the only woman he will ever love, Elizabeth Bennet. Seeing her son in such a state, the Ghost of Anne Darcy reaches out to him; informing him that three Ghosts would visit him and give him hope. Will these Spirits provide him with the courage to try again to win the esteem of his one true soul mate? Author blurb: Barbara Tiller Cole, an Atlanta native and author of the popular book 'White Lies and Other Half Truths', presents this family friendly classic, crediting her parents for fostering her love of both Jane Austen and Charles Dickens. Each Christmas Barbara's father would sit and read Dickens' classic 'A Christmas Carol' to the family. Her mother consistently challenged her to improve her mind by extensive reading, Jane Austen style. This book is dedicated to the memory of Cliff and Jeanne and the season they loved best.
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This was a really fun and quick read for around the holidays that combines "Pride and Prejudice" with "A Christmas Carol". I really enjoyed this and seeing Darcy's mother as the first ghost to visit him (in place of Marley from in A Christmas Carol) and then having his father as the Ghost of Christmas Past. It was also entertaining to have Elizabeth's grandmother as the Ghost of Christmas Present and seeing how her and Darcy interacted and the way she would pick on him similar to how Elizabeth might. I loved how the story wrapped up and the epilogue at the end was really fun.