Whether boasting about his influence in town, his prowess in the kitchen, his grace on the ice, or his savvy with a rod and reel, no man was ever more determined to stick to his guns -- and his story - than Fibber McGee! He tells some real whoppers in this batch of blustery broadcasts! Head on over to Wistful Vista for a visit with the Old Timer, Wallace Wimple, Doc Gamble, and Mayor LaTrivia -- and of course Jim and Marian Jordan as your old friends Fibber McGee and Molly! Includes twenty digitally restored and ...
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Whether boasting about his influence in town, his prowess in the kitchen, his grace on the ice, or his savvy with a rod and reel, no man was ever more determined to stick to his guns -- and his story - than Fibber McGee! He tells some real whoppers in this batch of blustery broadcasts! Head on over to Wistful Vista for a visit with the Old Timer, Wallace Wimple, Doc Gamble, and Mayor LaTrivia -- and of course Jim and Marian Jordan as your old friends Fibber McGee and Molly! Includes twenty digitally restored and remastered episodes, and a Program Guide by radio historian Elizabeth McLeod! Episodes Include: Shopping For a Car 10-09-45; Fibber's Influence 10-16-45; Dinner For Cousin Ernest 10-23-45; Fudge 11-06-45; The Old Oak Tree 11-27-45; Winter Walk to Dugan's Lake 12-04-45; Fibber the Governor's Pal 12-11-45; Guess the Number of Beans Contest 01-08-46; Treasure Map 01-15-46; Ice Skating 02-05-46; Molly Is Sick 02-19-46; Fibber's Pen Is Missing 02-26-46; Red Cross Drive 03-19-46; Fibber Caught Old Muley 05-07-46; Political Campaign 05-14-46; The Old Ball Game 05-21-46; Wedding Anniversary 05-28-46; Air Show Flying Fool McGee 06-04-46; Camping Equipment For Boat Trip 06-11-46; Fibber Is Sick 10-01-46
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