Track Listing
- O Worship the King
- Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Tune: Repton), anthem
- The King of Love My Shepherd is
- Make me a Channel of Your Peace
- I vow to thee, my country, for chorus & orchestra, H. 148
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- O Worship the King
- Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Tune: Repton), anthem
- The King of Love My Shepherd is
- Make me a Channel of Your Peace
- I vow to thee, my country, for chorus & orchestra, H. 148
- Be Thou My Vision
- Who would true valour see
- Abide with me (Tune: Eventide)
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Tune: Blaenwern)
- May The Grace of Christ
- Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
- Eternal Father, strong to save (Navy Hymn or Melita)
- Give Rest, O Christ
- O Thou Who Camest from Above (Hereford), for chorus & organ
- O God Our Help in Ages Past (Tune: St. Anne)
- Praise to the Holiest in the Height
- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (Tune: St. Clement)
- I Would Be True
- Christ is Made the Sure Foundation, hymn set to a theme by Purcell
- O Praise Ye the Lord (Laudate Dominum)
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