Boldly advocates scrapping the entire legal system and building a new one. Should be sent directly to America's top leaders. -- Justice for all? For the first time an active trial lawyer, with 25 years of experience in the courtroom, exposes the reasons our courts are failing. -- Uses thought-provoking cases to illustrate the failures of our trial system. -- By page 200 the reader has a conceptional understanding of the U.S. legal system -- why it doesn't work, why it never will, and how a non-adversarial, non-jury system ...
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Boldly advocates scrapping the entire legal system and building a new one. Should be sent directly to America's top leaders. -- Justice for all? For the first time an active trial lawyer, with 25 years of experience in the courtroom, exposes the reasons our courts are failing. -- Uses thought-provoking cases to illustrate the failures of our trial system. -- By page 200 the reader has a conceptional understanding of the U.S. legal system -- why it doesn't work, why it never will, and how a non-adversarial, non-jury system could bring it under control. -- Why just reforming the present system only makes it worse.Middle-income or low-income citizens cannot afford to utilize the present system in day-to-day matters; the economics of the practice of law forbids it. Citizens cheated by the personal injury system, destroyed by the divorce courts, or railroaded by the criminal courts are confused and angered by the trial system. People want solutions now!Mr. Sparkman presents a powerful treatise into the present American legal system, and proposes: scrap our trial system and build a new one, effecting the most fundamental change in American government since 1789. The penalty for ignoring the changes suggested will be the privatization of the legal system, he says, and if it is unthinkable that an essential government institution can be privatized, look at our postal service.The Edison Society is pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive the Edison Society 'Excellence in Innovation Award'. -- Thomas E. Hughs, Founder & President of the Edison SocietyI am glad to finally see an attorney who told the truth. -- Edmund D. Mann, Professor of ParalegalStudies, Centereach, NY
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Add this copy of Failed Justice: America's Faltering Legal System to cart. $12.94, very good condition, Sold by THE OREGON ROOM rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Phoenix, OR, UNITED STATES, published 1996 by Easterly Pub Inc.
Add this copy of Failed Justice: America's Faltering Legal System to cart. $21.95, new condition, Sold by GridFreed rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from North Las Vegas, NV, UNITED STATES, published by Easterly Pub Inc.