This is the fictional story of George Hazard, the first Briton to climb all fourteen of the world's 8000 meter summits, who sacrificed family for his ambitions in mountaineering. When returning from a trekking trip to write his autobiography, he is involved in an accident and, awaking from a coma, he is confronted by his long abandoned daughter. This fraught relationship leads him to being drawn into her in-laws' lives and a succession of personal calamities. Meanwhile, he struggles with his autobiography, discovering his ...
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This is the fictional story of George Hazard, the first Briton to climb all fourteen of the world's 8000 meter summits, who sacrificed family for his ambitions in mountaineering. When returning from a trekking trip to write his autobiography, he is involved in an accident and, awaking from a coma, he is confronted by his long abandoned daughter. This fraught relationship leads him to being drawn into her in-laws' lives and a succession of personal calamities. Meanwhile, he struggles with his autobiography, discovering his life story is inextricable from that of others. This novel asks those disturbing questions some mountaineers prefer to keep to themselves.
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