What is "European Angst"? Is it the extension of "German Angst" to a whole continent? The latter term is often used disparagingly to describe the German tendency to problematise, weigh up and hesitate, especially when reasons for this seem slight and insignificant. But European Angst has nothing to do with stereotypical overscrupulousness. It is a mass of powerful emotions which transcend national borders and therefore seemed a fitting title for a conference which was to address disturbing developments, including populism, ...
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What is "European Angst"? Is it the extension of "German Angst" to a whole continent? The latter term is often used disparagingly to describe the German tendency to problematise, weigh up and hesitate, especially when reasons for this seem slight and insignificant. But European Angst has nothing to do with stereotypical overscrupulousness. It is a mass of powerful emotions which transcend national borders and therefore seemed a fitting title for a conference which was to address disturbing developments, including populism, extremism and Euroscepticism. /// Was ist das: European Angst? Etwa die Ausweitung der German Angst auf einen ganzen Kontinent? Mit German Angst beschreibt man im Ausland oft absch???tzig das Problematisieren, Abw???gen und Z???gern der Deutschen, besonders dann, wenn die Gr???nde daf???r nichtig und klein erscheinen. European Angst aber hat nichts mit stereotyper Bedenkentr???gerei zu tun. Sie ist vielmehr ein B???ndel starker Emotionen ???ber viele L???ndergrenzen hinweg und war deshalb ein treffender Titel f???r eine Konferenz, auf der ???ber beunruhigende Entwicklungen, ???ber Populismus, Extremismus und Europaskepsis gesprochen werden sollte.
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