Enchantments of the Haglady explores the dream world of a young girl, and the struggle to survive of a young boy, each who overcome heartbreak, misfortune, and calamity through their strength of character and a belief in themselves. Enchantments of the Haglady walks the line between historical time-travel and fantasy, balancing the two with ease as it explores the travels of two orphans, a girl from the twenty-first century, and a boy from the eleventh century, who grow strong in spite of their tragedies and meet on the ...
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Enchantments of the Haglady explores the dream world of a young girl, and the struggle to survive of a young boy, each who overcome heartbreak, misfortune, and calamity through their strength of character and a belief in themselves. Enchantments of the Haglady walks the line between historical time-travel and fantasy, balancing the two with ease as it explores the travels of two orphans, a girl from the twenty-first century, and a boy from the eleventh century, who grow strong in spite of their tragedies and meet on the docks of Venice just before the First Crusade.
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