The story of a young man coming of age cast against the backdrop of a war that will determine the future of magic and mankind. Chronicling the struggle between the noble races and the evil that would enslave mankind. Elves: Battle at Baader Hill showcases the battle between magic and technology and a weapon that somehow combines the two. Heroism, cowardice, greed and sacrifice. Forgotten heroes and lauded fools. 34,000+ words
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The story of a young man coming of age cast against the backdrop of a war that will determine the future of magic and mankind. Chronicling the struggle between the noble races and the evil that would enslave mankind. Elves: Battle at Baader Hill showcases the battle between magic and technology and a weapon that somehow combines the two. Heroism, cowardice, greed and sacrifice. Forgotten heroes and lauded fools. 34,000+ words
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