The workshop aimed to gather the electron scattering community to assess the present status of the experimental and theoretical research program at the electron scattering facilities that will be available in the near future. The topics discussed include nucleon form factors and deep inelastic structure functions, electro-production of nucleon resonances, final state interactions and nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei, electron-nucleon scattering with polarized beams and targets and nuclear transparency.
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The workshop aimed to gather the electron scattering community to assess the present status of the experimental and theoretical research program at the electron scattering facilities that will be available in the near future. The topics discussed include nucleon form factors and deep inelastic structure functions, electro-production of nucleon resonances, final state interactions and nucleon-nucleon correlations in nuclei, electron-nucleon scattering with polarized beams and targets and nuclear transparency.
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