El Museo del Recuerdo is a collection of poems in the Spanish language. They are the fruits of the author's 40-year "love affair" with the language and culture of Spain and Latin America which began when he encountered the first refugees from the Pinochet coup d'???tat in Chile to arrive in Glasgow. The poems range widely in subject and tone from the lyrical to the satirical - but always with a deep affection for the language which, tradition says, led Charles I of Spain to say "I speak English to my ambassadors, French to ...
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El Museo del Recuerdo is a collection of poems in the Spanish language. They are the fruits of the author's 40-year "love affair" with the language and culture of Spain and Latin America which began when he encountered the first refugees from the Pinochet coup d'???tat in Chile to arrive in Glasgow. The poems range widely in subject and tone from the lyrical to the satirical - but always with a deep affection for the language which, tradition says, led Charles I of Spain to say "I speak English to my ambassadors, French to my mistress - but Spanish to God". El Museo del Recuerdo es una peque???a colecci???n de poemas en lengua espa???ola - es fruto de 40 a???os de la "historia de amor" entre el autor y la cultura hisp???nica - relaci???n que empez??? cuando llegaron a Glasgow los primeros refugiados chilenos despu???s del golpe de estado del general Pinochet. Los versos var???an ampliamente en tono y en estilo - a veces l???rico y a veces sat???rico - pero demostrando siempre el amor profundo por el idioma del que dijo (???supuestamente!) el rey Carlos I "Hablo ingl???s con los embajadores, franc???s con mis amantes - pero espa???ol con Dios."
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