Despite their short stature, dwarves are among the fiercest and most feared fighters of all the races. From an initial examination of the fighting methods of the individual dwarf soldier, this volume expands its focus to look at how they do battle in small companies and vast armies. It covers all of their troop types from the axemen that form the front lines of battle to their deadly accurate crossbowmen. Also examined are their tactics in specific situations such as underground fighting and combat in mountainous terrain. ...
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Despite their short stature, dwarves are among the fiercest and most feared fighters of all the races. From an initial examination of the fighting methods of the individual dwarf soldier, this volume expands its focus to look at how they do battle in small companies and vast armies. It covers all of their troop types from the axemen that form the front lines of battle to their deadly accurate crossbowmen. Also examined are their tactics in specific situations such as underground fighting and combat in mountainous terrain. Finally, the book examines a few specific battles in great detail in order to fully demonstrate the dwarven way of war.
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