Set primarily at the beginning of Edo period Japan (early 17th century), with anthropomorphic animals replacing humans, this manga series features a rabbit ronin, Miyamoto Usagi, who is partially based on the famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Usagi wanders the land on a musha shugyo (warrior's pilgrimage) occasionally selling his services as a bodyguard.
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Set primarily at the beginning of Edo period Japan (early 17th century), with anthropomorphic animals replacing humans, this manga series features a rabbit ronin, Miyamoto Usagi, who is partially based on the famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Usagi wanders the land on a musha shugyo (warrior's pilgrimage) occasionally selling his services as a bodyguard.
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First edition, first printing, 224 pp., Paperback, new. -If you are reading this, this item is actually (physically) in our stock and ready for shipment once ordered. We are not bookjackers. Buyer is responsible for any additional duties, taxes, or fees required by recipient's country.