The initial season of the animated reality-show spoof Drawn Together consists of eight episodes, each one savagely parodying the clichés and stereotypes of both the "reality" and "cartoon" genres within the context of several washed-up animated celebrities forced to live together under the same roof. In the opening episode, "Hot Tub," Disneyesque Princess Clara manages to lay a racist slur upon Hanna-Barbera-esque Foxxy Love, while video-game hero Xandir reveals himself to be a closet gay. In "Clara's Dirty Little Secret," ...
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The initial season of the animated reality-show spoof Drawn Together consists of eight episodes, each one savagely parodying the clichés and stereotypes of both the "reality" and "cartoon" genres within the context of several washed-up animated celebrities forced to live together under the same roof. In the opening episode, "Hot Tub," Disneyesque Princess Clara manages to lay a racist slur upon Hanna-Barbera-esque Foxxy Love, while video-game hero Xandir reveals himself to be a closet gay. In "Clara's Dirty Little Secret," it is revealed that the titular heroine has been cursed by her wicked stepmother to suffer from tentacled monster living in her -- uh -- privates. Xandir finally comes out in "Gay Bash," while foulmouthed prankster Spanky Ham exploits the Pokémon-derived Ling-Ling. Bitchy Betty Boop sound-alike Toot Braunstein grows more obese than ever, stiff-necked Captain Hero finds out that he enjoys bondage, and the SpongeBob-ish Wooldor Sockbat is bullied into helping Spanky capture Princess Clara's timid woodland friends in "Requiem for a Reality Show." Next, "The Other Cousin" finds Clara's well-named relative Bleh paying a visit. In "Terms of Endearment," Captain Hero's X-ray vision gives Foxxy a brain tumor. The whimsical Spanky finally goes too far when he takes a dump on a pizza in "Dirty Pranking Number 2." And in the finale, subtly titled "The One Wherein There Is a Big Twist," Drawn Together meets The Apprentice as Machiavellian billionaire Bucky Bucks plays one roommate against the other. Through the season are sprinkled innumerable "inside" references to cartoon history, a plethora of gratuitous sex gags, and even guest appearances by the likes of Elmer Fudd and Snagglepuss. Hal Erickson, Rovi
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Good. Good condition. DVD. Case Very Good. 2 disc set. Disc slightly scratched. Quality guaranteed! In original artwork/packaging unless otherwise noted.