DOWN SYNDROME KITTY is a heartwarming and inspiring story based on the true life of Ziggy, a cat with Down Syndrome characteristics. The story teaches all children the beauty of compassion and empathy for others. And for those children with special needs, who are challenged in their lives physically or emotionally, this book teaches them that even small steps can be giant leaps in which they can rejoice and take pride. The book is beautifully illustrated with advanced computer layering techniques that draw children into the ...
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DOWN SYNDROME KITTY is a heartwarming and inspiring story based on the true life of Ziggy, a cat with Down Syndrome characteristics. The story teaches all children the beauty of compassion and empathy for others. And for those children with special needs, who are challenged in their lives physically or emotionally, this book teaches them that even small steps can be giant leaps in which they can rejoice and take pride. The book is beautifully illustrated with advanced computer layering techniques that draw children into the story by giving every one of the gorgeous 10-inch x16-inch full color spreads a three-dimensional look and feel. Enjoy this uplifting book once, and you will want to keep it forever.
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