New Generational Challenge
This book is a welcome change from most books out there aimed at teens. I've done youth ministry for almost ten years now, full-time for just about four years. There are few teen-focused books like this that will actually challenge teens of today to live beyond the XBox-MTV-MikkyD lifestyle.
"Do Hard Things" is written by the younger brothers of Joshua Harris, who first made waves by writing his own book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." His younger brothers follow in his footsteps with their own book challenging teens of today to make waves, to use their teen years to make a difference in the world. Drawing on the history of the word "teenager," Alex and Brett Harris point out that our culture has given this age group (13 to 18) a unique and ultimately harmful description: a teenager is "supposed" to goof off, be immature, act like a kid, be irresponsible, and ultimately waste his teen years. But, ask the twins, whatever happened to men like George Washington who had a full-time "adult" job while a teenager?
"Do Hard Things" is probably most helpful for the encouraging and inspiring true stories of teens who have "done hard things" and seen wonderful results. From fighting to see modern-day slavery ended to raising money for the homeless, real personal accounts fill the pages of "Do Hard Things," lending the book both credibility and enjoyability.
Besides stories of teens around the US who have chosen to rise up and use their youth for good, Alex and Brett Harris also include many practical tips on how to go about this whole thing. From tips on teamwork to challenges towards faithfulness, there are enough little bits of wisdom to keep your average teenager busy for quite some time.
Be warned! Don't pick up this book unless you want to *do* some stuff.