The days leading up to Christmas, known as Advent, are set aside as a time for reflection and anticipation in preparation for the celebration of Christmas. This year at Advent, orient your life toward the Incarnation—the birth of Jesus Christ—with this unique devotional taken from Holy Bible: Mosaic. Encounter Christ by reflecting on the words of Scripture and the art and writings of Christians across time and cultures. Includes full-color artwork; contemporary and historical writings; prayers, poems, and ...
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The days leading up to Christmas, known as Advent, are set aside as a time for reflection and anticipation in preparation for the celebration of Christmas. This year at Advent, orient your life toward the Incarnation—the birth of Jesus Christ—with this unique devotional taken from Holy Bible: Mosaic. Encounter Christ by reflecting on the words of Scripture and the art and writings of Christians across time and cultures. Includes full-color artwork; contemporary and historical writings; prayers, poems, and hymns from throughout church history. Full text of each week’s devotional Scripture readings is also included.
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