"Virtual worlds offer engaging, rich visual and auditory experiences to their users. In them, players guide computer-based avatars through virtual landscapes filled with realistic buildings, objects, characters, and the avatars of other players. In the commercial realm, games and online virtual communities attract millions of devoted fans who spend large amounts of time and money in these worlds. In recent years, interest in virtual worlds as platforms for instruction and training has rapidly grown as researchers and ...
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"Virtual worlds offer engaging, rich visual and auditory experiences to their users. In them, players guide computer-based avatars through virtual landscapes filled with realistic buildings, objects, characters, and the avatars of other players. In the commercial realm, games and online virtual communities attract millions of devoted fans who spend large amounts of time and money in these worlds. In recent years, interest in virtual worlds as platforms for instruction and training has rapidly grown as researchers and designers focus on their potential power as learning environments. Educational virtual worlds are designed to incorporate situated learning concepts of collaborative knowledge building among communities of learners in contexts that closely mimic the real world.In this, the first text written specifically on how to design virtual worlds for educational purposes, the authors explore: the history and evolution of virtual worlds (commercial and educational), the theories behind the use of virtual worlds for learning, the design of curricula in virtual worlds, design guidelines for elements experienced in virtual worlds that support learning, and design guidelines for learning quests and activities in virtual worlds. They also examine the theories and associated design principles used to create embedded assessments in virtual worlds. Finally, they offer a framework and methodology to assist professionals in evaluating off-the-shelf virtual worlds for use in educational and training settings"--Provided by publisher.
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