English summary: The last several decades have shown a growing interest in the concrete spatiality of human existence, that is, the spatial manifestations of social, material, and, not least, aesthetics aspects of humanity. This intellectual reorientation, the so-called spatial turn in cultural and social studies, has seen only a limited application in the works of the discerning Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The eight articles presented in this book investigate questions of space, places, and geography in Goethe's work. Central ...
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English summary: The last several decades have shown a growing interest in the concrete spatiality of human existence, that is, the spatial manifestations of social, material, and, not least, aesthetics aspects of humanity. This intellectual reorientation, the so-called spatial turn in cultural and social studies, has seen only a limited application in the works of the discerning Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The eight articles presented in this book investigate questions of space, places, and geography in Goethe's work. Central texts, such as the "Winter Trip through the Harz Mountains," "On German Architecture," "Concerning Art and Antiquity in the Rhine-Maine Regions," the "Wilhelm Meister" novels and "Faust," are interpreted according to their concrete spatiality. These studies show us, that Goethe's works, scholarly, politically, dramatically, in terms of the history of ideas, etc., were always shaped by their spatial conditions. German description: Die letzten Jahrzehnte haben ein steigendes Interesse an der konkreten Raumlichkeit des menschlichen Daseins erbracht, d.h. an raumlichen Manifestationen von sozialen, materialen und nicht zuletzt asthetischen Aspekten. Diese intellektuelle Umorientierung, die sogenannte raumliche Wende in den Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, hat nur in geringem Masse das Werk des Augenmenschen Johann Wolfgang Goethe betroffen. Die acht Beitrage, die vorliegender Band prasentiert, setzen sich mit den Fragen des Raums, des Platzes und der Geographie in Goethes Werk auseinander. Hier werden zentrale Texte, u.a. 'Harzreise im Winter', 'Von deutscher Baukunst', 'Uber Kunst und Altertum in den Rhein und Main Gegenden', die 'Wilhelm Meister'-Romane und 'Faust', nach ihrer konkreten Raumlichkeit interpretiert. Die Aufsatze zeigen uns, dass Goethes Werke wissenschaftlich, ideengeschichtlich, politisch, dramaturgisch usw. sich immer wieder mit ihren raumlichen Bedingungen beschaftigen.
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